Titanium Oxide Nanowires IB (10nm×5µm, Industry Grade)
Catalog Number: NovaWire-TiO-10-IND
Diameter: ~10nm
Length: ~5µm
Appearance: wet cake or dry white powder
Novarials now supplies this product in kilogram scale for industry users, please contact us at info@novarials.com.
- Fillers for various nanocomposites including nanowire polymer composites, nanowire metal composite, and nanowire ceramic composites
- Fillers for various adhesives and paints
- Fillers for various high performance films
- Nanowire porous ceramic membranes for chemical and water filtration, which can used in strong acids and bases
- High temperature non-woven textiles
- White pigments for plastics, paints, rubbers, cosmetics, man-made fibers, papers, and ceramics
- Surface coatings
- Catalyst supports
- Photocatalysts
- Dye-sensitized, polymer-based, and quantum dot (QD) solar cells (photovoltaic and photocatalytic
cells) - Water splitting for hydrogen production
- Chemical sensors, especially high temperature gas sensors
- Anodes of lithium ion batteries
- Fuel cells
- Supercapacitors
- Detoxification
- Drug delivery
- Biosensors
- Biocompatible materials for bone implants
- Electrochromic devices
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SDS-NovaWire-TiO-10-IND-wet cake