Aluminum Oxide Nanowires A4 (4nm×1µm)
Catalog Number: NovaWire-AlO-4
Diameter: ~4nm
Length: ~1µm
Appearance: colorless gel, or dry white powder
The product is prepared by hydrothermal growth, in which aluminum-containing precursor is treated in water at elevated temperature in a controlled environment. The as-prepared product from the hydrothermal process is gamma-AlOOH nanowires. Calcination at elevated temperature to convert to aluminum oxide nanowires also can be performed depending on customer’s need.
Novarials now supplies this material at kilogram scale for industry users, please contact us at info@novarials.com for price.
A recent research has demonstrated that alumina nanowires can increase the cycle life of lithium ion battery. Reference: "In-situ surface modification to stabilize Ni-rich layered oxide cathode with functional electrolyte", Journal of Power Source, 410-411(2019),115-123.
- Suk Jin Kwon, Byung Mun Jung, Taehoon Kim, Jinho Byun, Jaekwang Lee, Sang Bok Lee, U
Hyeok Choi, "Influence of Al2O3 Nanowires on Ion Transport in Nanocomposite Solid Polymer
Electrolytes", Macromolecules, 2018, 5124, 10194.
Aluminum oxide nanofibers, aluminum oxide, alumina nanowires, alumina nanofibers, alumina, aluminium oxide nanowires, aluminium oxide nanofibers, aluminium oxide, boehmite nanowires, boehmite nanofibers, boehmite, aluminium oxyhydroxide nanowires, aluminium oxyhydroxide nanofibers, aluminium oxyhydroxide, aluminium hydroxide oxide nanowires, aluminium hydroxide oxide nanofibers, aluminium hydroxide oxide, gamma-AlOOH nanowires, gamma-AlOOH nanofibers, gamma-AlOOH, γ-AlOOH nanowires, γ-AlOOH nanofibers, γ-AlOOH